
Monster Girl Maker

Monster Girl Maker

Monster Girl Maker is a character creation game where players can design their own unique monster girl characters. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, it is a mobile app game available on both Android and iOS platforms. The game allows you to create portraits by customizing various features, including skin, eyes, mouth, eyebrows, hair, and more, using a wide range of


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Monster Girl Maker is a character creation game where players can design their own unique monster girl characters. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, it is a mobile app game available on both Android and iOS platforms. The game allows you to create portraits by customizing various features, including skin, eyes, mouth, eyebrows, hair, and more, using a wide range of parts.


Here's a brief guide on how to play the game:

  1. Touch Controls: The game is likely to have touch-based controls. You can tap, swipe, and drag your finger on the screen to select and customize different parts of the character.

  2. Part Selection: You would start by selecting a base character or template, and then you can choose from various options for each customizable part, mixing and matching to create a unique character.

  3. Coloring Options: Depending on the game, you might have the option to not only select parts but also to color them. This adds an extra layer of customization to your characters.

  4. Saving and Sharing: Once you've created a character you're happy with, the game may allow you to save your creation. Some games also have options for sharing your characters with others, either within the game's community or on social media.

For detailed instructions and controls specific to the version of Monster Girl Maker you are playing, it's best to check within the game itself. Look for a tutorial, help section, or any guides provided by the developers. Additionally, community forums or the game's official website may have player-generated guides and tips for getting the most out of the character creation experience. Keep in mind that information may have changed since my last update, so checking the latest sources is advisable.

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